T h e S t o r y o f M A D W i n e


E v e r y M A D W i n e i s a n e x p e r i e n c e w a i t i n g t o b e t a s t e d !

Tokaj wines, with their rich aromas and full-bodied taste truly are “the wines of kings”. Naturally, MAD Wine takes the baton and has become the Tokaj region’s premier winery.

Reflecting the values and the vision of MAD Wine’s founder, Károly Kovács, MAD Wine prioritises quality above all, with a primary focus on making Tokaj wines the top choice for sommeliers across the globe. From the beginnings of the small Szent Tamás winery rose MAD Wine, making a clear statement in honoring the village of Mád, our home base, in the company’s name.

Make no mistake, this is a company delicately straddling two boats – the rich past and history of Tokaj and the infinite possibilities afforded by the future!


V i s i o n f o r t h e F u t u r e


Total control from start to finish

How can you possibly guarantee quality on a larger scale? Simply, by strictly controlling each an every part of the production process. Our winery, spanning over 12.000 sq.m. and built in 2013, are fully vertically integrated. Inside, you may find the underground cellars for the ageing process of our super-, ultra- premium and Icon wines, all the way to the state-of-the-art stainless steel fermentation tanks, the ultra-modern laboratories of our Research & Development Center, the bottling lines and the huge storage rooms where our wines make their first step to their intended destination: you!

Our Winery has a total annual production capacity of more than 1.3 million bottles, is fully IFS-Certified and has received the Agricultural Innovation Grand Prix for 2017.

Award-Winning Excellence

I n n o v a t i o n a n d S u s t a i n a b i l t y

Innovation and Sustainabilty

Στη MAD Wine πιστεύουμε ότι ο μόνος δρόμος για ένα καλύτερο αύριο είναι να κινείσαι πάντοτε μπροστά, με το βλέμμα στις αξίες και την παράδοση. Γι’αυτό το λόγο και δεν σταματούμε να ανακαλύπτουμε διαρκώς νέους τρόπους ώστε να κρατάμε την ιστορία μας επίκαιρη και για τις νέες γενιές. Γι’αυτό το λόγο, τα ξηρά κρασιά μας διαθέτουν ειδική φιάλη, σχεδιασμένη αποκλειστικά γι’αυτά. Και βέβαια τα σφραγίζουμε με ειδικά γυάλινα πώματα της Vinolok, ώστε να διατηρούνται πάντοτε φρέσκα και premium.

Ό,τι όμως μας χαρίζει η γη, εμείς οφείλουμε το επιστρέφουμε, για χάρη των μελλοντικών γενεών. Απόδειξη, τα MAD Bubbles και τα Pop Wine, δύο σειρές προϊόντων σε αλουμινένια cans, με στόχο τη μετάβαση σε μια εποχή μικρότερης χρήσης ενέργειας και την ελαχιστοποίηση του περιβαλλοντικού αποτυπώματος.

P i c k i n g a n d P r o d u c i n g


At MAD Wine, we fervently believe that the only way to a better future is by always moving forward, while drawing on the past for inspiration and guidance. This is why we never stop blazing new trails and discovering new ways of keeping our tradition relevant for the modern age and the newer generations. Our dry wines are kept in a specially and exclusively-designed glass bottle. And from the Premium range up, all bottles are safely secured with specially-made glass stoppers by Vinolok, to keep them fresh and give that extra premium feel.

What the Earth grants upon us, it is our duty to give back to future generations. This is why we are now producing MAD Bubbles and Pop Wine, two ranges of wine bottled in aluminium cans, aimed at reducing energy usage, turning to environmentally-friendly packaging and minimizing our carbon footprint.

Innovation and Sustainabilty

T h e H a r v e s t

We are committed to always picking the exact right time for harvesting our grapes, depending on the year and the climate, always taking into consideration the crop’s levels of maturity. Every harvest is made with as little mechanical intervention as possible, and this is precisely why our grapes are hand-picked.

For our super and ultra premium ranges, the ageing process takes place in specially-made oak barrels, which grant their own aromas and tastes to each wine. Every barrel is carefully selected and only the highest-quality barrels are ever picked for our cellars. With this level of attention to detail, all our wines are fermented in their own bottles for at least six months before they begin their journey for the world’s markets.